天天热文:广汽集团: H股公告-致非登记持有人之通知信函及申请表格
2022-09-23 19:55:55
GUANGZHOU AUTOMOBILE GUANGZHOU AUTOMOBILE GROUP GROUP CO., CO., LTD. LTD. 廣 廣州汽車集團股份有限公司 州汽車集團股份有限公司(a(ajoint jointstock stock company company incorporated incorporated in in the the People’s People’s Republic Republic of of China China with with limited limited liability) liability) (於中華人民共和國註冊成立的股份有限公司) (於中華人民共和國註冊成立的股份有限公司) (Stock Code: (Stock Code: 2238) (股份編號:2238) (股份編號: 2238)Dear Non-registered Holder (Note 1) , Notification of publication of Corporate Communication on the Company’s official websiteWe hereby notify you that the following corporate communications (the “Current Corporate Communications”) of Guangzhou AutomobileGroup Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) are now available on the Company’s official website at www.gac.com.cn and the website of The StockExchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Stock Exchange”) at www.hkexnews.hk.• The English and Chinese versions of the circular dated 24 September 2022 relating to the provision of entrusted loans and other financial assistance to joint ventures and associates by the Company; and• the English and Chinese versions of the notice of 2022 second extraordinary general meeting dated 24 September 2022.Please note that the 2022 second extraordinary general meeting of the Company will be held at Conference Room 1604, GAC Center, No. 23Xingguo Road, Zhujiang New Town, Tianhe District, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, the PRC at 2 p.m. on Friday, 14 October 2022.You may access the Current Corporate Communications of the Company on the Company’s official website or the Stock Exchange’s website.If you wish to receive the Current Corporate Communications of the Company in printed form, please complete and sign the Request Formon the reverse side of this notification and return it to the Company’s H Share Registrar, Tricor Investor Services Limited, by post usingthe mailing label provided. The Current Corporate Communications of the Company in printed form will be sent to you free of charge uponreceipt of your request.Please note that by completing and returning the Request Form requesting to receive the Current Corporate Communications of the Companyin printed form, you expressly indicate that you prefer to receive all future Corporate Communications (Note 2) in printed form.Should you have any queries relating to this notification, please call the enquiry hotline of Tricor Investor Services Limited at (852) 2980 Yours faithfully, For and on behalf of the Board Guangzhou Automobile Group Co., Ltd. ZENG Qinghong ChairmanNotes: (1) This notification is addressed to the Company’ s Non-registered Holders ( “Non-registered Holder” means such person or company whose shares are held in The Central Clearing and Settlement System and who has notified the Company from time to time through Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited that such person or company wishes to receive Corporate Communications). (2) Corporate Communication(s) refers to any document of the Company for information or action of holders of securities of the Company, including but not limited to annual report, interim report, notice of meeting, listing document, circular and proxy form.敬啟者: 於本公司官方網站刊發公司通訊之通知吾 等 現 謹 通 知 閣 下 , 廣 州 汽 車 集 團 股 份 有 限 公 司(「 本 公 司 」)之 下 述 公 司 通 訊(「 本 次 公 司 通 訊 」), 現 已 登 載 於 本 公 司 官 方 網 站(www.gac.com.cn)和香港聯合交易所有限公司(「聯交所」)網站(www.hkexnews.hk) 。• 日期為二零二二年九月二十四日有關本公司為合營企業及聯營企業提供委託貸款等財務資助通函之英文及中文版本;及• 日期為二零二二年九月二十四日之二零二二年第二次臨時股東大會通告之英文及中文版本 。請注意本公司將於二零二二年十月十四日(星期五)下午二時正假座中國廣東省廣州市天河區珠江新城興國路23號廣汽中心1604會議室舉行二零二二年第二次臨時股東大會 。閣下可於本公司官方網站或聯交所網站閱覽本公司本次公司通訊 。倘 閣下擬收取本公司本次公司通訊之印刷本 ,請填妥及簽署在本通知背面之申請表格及利用隨附之郵寄標籤以郵遞方式交回本公司之H股股份過戶登記處卓佳證券登記有限公司 ,本公司本次公司通訊之印刷本將按 閣下要求免費發送予 閣下 。請注意 ,當 閣下填妥及交回申請表格以要求收取本公司本次公司通訊之印刷本後 ,即明確地表明 閣下願意今後收取所有公司通訊(註2)之印刷本 。倘 閣下對本通知有任何疑問 ,請於星期一至星期五(香港公眾假期除外)上午九時正至下午五時正致電卓佳證券登記有限公司諮詢熱線(852) 2980 1333。 此 致非登記持有人(註1) 台照 代表董事會 廣州汽車集團股份有限公司 曾慶洪 董事長 謹啟二零二二年九月二十四日註: (1) 此為致本公司之非登記持有人(「非登記持有人」指股份存放於中央結算及交收系統之人士或公司 ,並已透過香港中央結 算有限公司不時通知本公司 ,希望收取公司通訊)之通知 。 (2) 公司通訊指供本公司證券持有人參閱或採取行動之任何本公司文件 ,其包括但不限於年報 、中期報告 、會議通告 、上 市文件 、通函及代理人委任表格 。 REQUEST FORM 申請表格 To: Guangzhou Automobile Group Co., Ltd. 致: 廣州汽車集團股份有限公司 (the “Company”) (「本公司」) c/o Tricor Investor Services Limited 經卓佳證券登記有限公司I/We would like to receive all the Corporate Communications (Note 1) in the manner as indicated below (Note 2) :本人╱吾等希望以下列方式(註2) 收取所有公司通訊(註1) :(Please mark “” in ONLY ONE of the following boxes)(請僅在下列其中一個空格內劃上「」號) □ to receive by mail the printed Chinese version of all Corporate Communications; OR 以郵寄收取所有公司通訊之中文版印刷本;或 □ to receive by mail the printed English version of all Corporate Communications; OR 以郵寄收取所有公司通訊之英文版印刷本;或 □ to receive by mail both the printed Chinese and English versions of all Corporate Communications. 以郵寄收取所有公司通訊之中 、英文版印刷本 。 Signature: Date: 簽署: 日期: Name(s) of Non-registered Holder(s): (English) (Chinese) 非登記持有人姓名: (英文) (中文) (in BLOCK LETTERS) (以大楷書寫) Contact telephone number: 聯絡電話號碼: Notes 註: including but not limited to annual report, interim report, notice of meeting, listing document, circular and proxy form. 公司通訊指供本公司證券持有人參閱或採取行動之任何本公司文件 ,其包括但不限於年報 、中期報告 、會議通告 、上市文件 、通函及代 理人委任表格 。 Services Limited to the contrary or unless you have at anytime ceased to have holdings in the Company. 上述指示適用於將發送予 閣下之所有公司通訊 ,直至 閣下經卓佳證券登記有限公司通知本公司另作安排或 閣下於任何時候停止持 有本公司之股份 。 (Please cut along the dotted line 請沿虛線剪下) Please cut the mailing label and stick it on an envelope Mailing Label 郵寄標籤 to return this request form to us. Tricor Investor Services Limited No postage is necessary if posted in Hong Kong. 卓佳證券登記有限公司 Freepost No. 簡便回郵號碼:10 GPO 閣下寄回此申請表格時 ,請將郵寄標籤剪貼於信封上 。 Hong Kong 香港 如在本港投寄 ,毋須貼上郵票 。